
Package org.rajawali3d.renderer



abstract class AFrameTask : Runnable
abstract class AFrameTask : Runnable


interface ISurfaceRenderer
interface ISurfaceRenderer

Interface that a class must implement to be able to render to an ISurface. Most often you will want to simply extend Renderer which handles much of this for you.


class NullRenderer : Renderer
class NullRenderer : Renderer

Minimal Renderer implementation which will cause no rendering to occur.


open class PipRenderer : Renderer
open class PipRenderer : Renderer

Creates a renderer that renders two scenes through separate SubRenderers. In order to use this, first create the PipRenderer, then create and assign the SubRenderers through setMainRenderer (for the main content) setMinirenderer (for the content in the mini view). The pipScale and pipMargin parameters control how the mini scene is placed.


abstract class Renderer : ISurfaceRenderer
abstract class Renderer : ISurfaceRenderer


open class RenderTarget
open class RenderTarget

Defines configurations for a given render target.


open class RenderTargetCube : RenderTarget
open class RenderTargetCube : RenderTarget

Defines a render target to be mapped to a cubemap texture.


abstract class SideBySideRenderer : Renderer
abstract class SideBySideRenderer : Renderer

This renderer is typically used by virtual reality glasses like the Open Dive. It renders the scene from two different viewpoints. The x position of the two cameras are slightly offset while the z and y position stay 0.