org.rajawali3d.math / Matrix


open class Matrix
open class Matrix

NOTE: This class taken from Android Open Source Project source code and modified to support double precision matrices. Matrix math utilities. These methods operate on OpenGL ES format matrices and vectors stored in double arrays. Matrices are 4 x 4 column-vector matrices stored in column-major order:

   m[offset +  0] m[offset +  4] m[offset +  8] m[offset + 12]
   m[offset +  1] m[offset +  5] m[offset +  9] m[offset + 13]
   m[offset +  2] m[offset +  6] m[offset + 10] m[offset + 14]
   m[offset +  3] m[offset +  7] m[offset + 11] m[offset + 15]
Vectors are 4 row x 1 column column-vectors stored in order:

  v[offset + 0]
  v[offset + 1]
  v[offset + 2]
  v[offset + 3]